First, something for nothing! I love mp3's, mainly for their file size and convenience. Consequently, I scour the net for the best free downloads, and have created my own unique "Top 99 Free mp3 Downloads" report that you can ONLY get from my website, by following the link at the foot of the page.
Absolutely free, of course!
And, I'm a big fan of buying cheap rather than expensive, as long as the quality is up to snuff, whenever possible. For that reason , this article will highlight some more factors to consider when you are thinking about whether to buy a cheap mp3 player.
As discussed in the previous article about how to buy a cheap mp3 player, it is now possible and feasible to purchase such a product directly from the manufacturer online.
This is one option open to anyone looking to buy a cheap mp3 player online, and a pretty valid one nowadays. The overall quality of mp3 players coming from the Far East has improved immeasurably over the past few years and cheaper Asian players are no longer the risk that they perhaps once were.
However, before looking in depth at exactly what buying online in this manner entails, and some of the pros and cons of trying to buy a cheap mp3 player online, I want to deal with one other option for buying a player on a budget.
Have you given any thought to buying a used mp3 player, rather than a brand new one?
If so, this article will "join all the dots" for you!
If not, you perhaps should do, as it may have some advantages over trying to buy a cheap mp3 player that is brand new.
You would be able to purchase a branded machine for considerably less than you would have to pay in the local mall. The price of a used branded player would almost certainly fall within the budget of people looking to buy cheap mp3 players, and, if you were willing to buy a machine that is a couple of years old, then the price could be very attractive indeed.
And, of course, it's a brand name, with all of the cachet attached to owning branded goods!
Moreover, if you buy from a reputable dealer, then there is a very good chance that the used branded player will be refurbished or refitted as well. Consequently, you would know that it is in good working condition, at least when it left the shop.
Thus, if you are looking to buy a cheap mp3 player, this is one course of action that you could certainly justifiably follow.
Indeed, not all that long ago, before the manufacturers of cheap mp3 players set about improving the quality and reliability of their products, this might have been the best cheap mp3 player option.
Compare the mp3 market to the car market, and you will see a clear parallel.
Not so many years ago, when choosing between a three year old Japanese car or a brand new Korean built automobile, I guess that 99% of people would have bought Honda or Toyota..
Now, Korean cars are almost universally seen as reliable, practical and good value for money (if a little bland). I would speculate that, asked a similar question now, you average savvy car buyer might take a different view to that of the not so distant past.
A savvy shopper thinking about buying a cheap mp3 player is in the same situation.
The quality of the cheaper products in the market has improved amazingly over the past few years, and literally continues to do so a little bit more every day.
Nowadays, to buy a cheap mp3 player does not mean that you have to compromise on quality and reliability in quite the same way as you used to.
In fact, as a long time Asia resident, I can tell you from personal experience that many of the branded machines that you can buy in the local mall are actually manufactured in the very same factories as the cheap mp3 players which the company sell under their own brand name for a fraction of the price!
Thus, there is absolutely no reason why deciding to buy a cheap mp3 player is a poor, or a second, choice. The quality is excellent and ever improving, the value for money factor is beyond question, and usually even cheap p3 players bought online come with a one year warranty.
On the other hand, a used machine is likely to enjoy a very short warranty period (3 months is the norm) if it has one at all. And, no matter how well it has been reconditioned, the fact remains that a percentage of its usable life (perhaps a significant percentage) has already past, and the machine will inevitable carry some wear and tear.
Even a more expensive branded solid state player (i.e. one with no moving parts) cannot entirely escape the inevitable ravages of passing time.
On the other hand, buy a cheap mp3 player that is brand new, an you know that there is absolutely no chance that anything is worn, and that any faults that do show themselves will inevitably be manufacturing defects, covered by the warranty.
Of course, the one thing that you inevitably lose if you do opt to buy a cheap mp3 player from a little known manufacturer is that your player is not "cool".
Me, I can handle that! Give me a "non-cool" cheap mp3 player that is going to run like clockwork or many years than a second-hand player that carries a fashionable name, which unfortunately dies on me a few months after I buy it.
In my view, that is a classic case of what is known as a false economy!
But, one final thought on buying a used mp3 player. If you are seriously convinced that only a brand name product will do it for you, then check out the online auction sites like They almost always have sellers looking to get rid of brand name players at pretty good prices, and it is even possible from time to time to get them almost brand new, still with a good warranty period.
My view, however, is still buy a cheap mp3 player from a non-branded manufacturer, brand new. More on exactly how to go about this in the next article.
Steve Cowan is a self titled music aficionado and avid mp3 fan. Discover what his Top 6 cheap mp3 players are, and get a unique free report Top 99 Free mp3 Downloads at his website []
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