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The Brazil French Press coffee maker, designed in the early 80's, was our first coffee maker and quickly became a symbol of what Bodum stands for. Attractive and functional design at an affordable price The Brazil has an ultra-light, heat-resistant borosilicate glass beaker and a polypropylene handle and base, which make the Brazil easy to use and easy to clean. The 3-part stainless steel plunger has a fine mesh filter, which allows for a premium extraction of your coffee's aromatic oils and subtle flavors. A mesh filter allows this flavor to be delivered direct to your cup and not absorbed by a paper filter. Plus, no paper filter means no waste. The patented safety-lid prevents the splashing of liquids while pressing. All parts are dishwasher safe. This 8-cup coffeemaker is (1.0-Liter, 34-Ounce.) in size and is also available in 3-cup (0.35-Liter, 12-Ounce) size model.
Price: $12.99
Click here to buy from Amazon
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